Attendance and Sickness Absence:
If your child is absent for any reason please contact school as soon as possible so that we know what the problem is and how long they will be absent for. Request for absence during term time can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Forms to make a request are available from the school office or website. School policy is that children who have vomited or had a case of diarrhoea must remain absent from school for at least 48 hours to prevent other children being affected.
Should a child be absent with no explanation, it is the school's policy to contact the child's home to ascertain the reason for the absence.
The school's absence rates have improved signicantly over recent years and we thank parents and families for their support in getting children in to school. Last term's attendance figure was 97.9%.
School Hours:
The school day operates from 8.45am until 3.15pm. This equates to 32.5 hours of schooling across the week.
The Breakfast and After School Club operates between 7.50am and 6.00pm, this is by booking only.