Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Norcross
Teaching Assistant
Miss Doughty
Class Teacher
Item | Day | Other Information |
Indoor P.E. |
Thursday |
P.E. kit required is black shorts, a plain white t-shirt and no jewellery (including ear rings) |
Outdoor P.E. | Tuesday | As above, however during colder weather joggers or leggings can be worn along with a hoodie or jumper. Children need trainers for outdoor P.E. |
Homework Due | Monday | Homework will be set on Tuesdays and will be due in the following Monday. |
Please can you ensure that you are also using Times Tables Rock Stars weekly to develop speed and fluency with times tables. Children should already know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. They will be learning the 3, 4 and 8 times tables this year.
Mathletics remains a great online resource to support learning. Sometimes specific activiites will be set to reinforce learning in class, otherwise children can select an area of interest to complete.
Reading is an important skill and we encourage you to read with your child regularly at home. Please ensure their reading diaries are signed at least four times per week when they have read.