Safeguarding Overview

Safeguarding.jpgOur Commitment
At St. John’s CE Primary School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children, in line with the duty placed on us by section 175 of the Education Act 2002.

We strongly believe that all children have the right to feel safe and to be protected from physical, sexual or emotional abuse and neglect.

Scope of our commitment
At our school, safeguarding encompasses child protection, safer recruitment, managing allegations against member of staff as well our approach to the Team Around the Child (TAC) process.  It is also supported by our approach to behaviour management, our response to managing bullying and racist incidents, our response to care and control, our response to children who are absent from school, our response to the use of technology in school, our management of children with medical needs, our first aid arrangements, our management of educational visits and our health and safety procedures, including site security. These are documented separately.

Throughout our work we have a clear commitment to supporting families. We aim to work well in partnership with parents/carers and any other appropriate agencies to promote the welfare of our children.

We recognise that all adults, including temporary staff, volunteers and governors, have a full and active part to play in protecting our pupils from harm, and that the child’s welfare is our paramount concern.

The School’s Safeguarding Team
A team of staff and Governors collaborate on safeguarding issues and development to ensure St John’s C.E. Primary School can effectively safeguard the children.  The lead person on this team is the DESIGNATED SAFEGUARD LEAD – Mr P Rayner (Headteacher).  There are also  DEPUTY SAFEGUARD LEADs – Mr A Clerc (Deputy Headteacher) and Miss E Smith (Inclusion Lead)  and the Safeguard Link Governor – Prof Sara Forvargue.

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