Wider Opportunities


Clubs led by school staff are free for children to attend, with the exception of sewing and cooking to cover the cost of ingredients. Some clubs however, do have restrictions whether it be specific year groups or maximum numbers. See the letter each term for the full list and details. Clubs will be allocated on a first come first served basis where maximum numbers apply.

To enable staff to plan for and organise clubs in the most successful way we do ask that children attend their chosen clubs on a weekly basis to provide stability in the numbers involved. If a club needs to be cancelled we will provide as much notice as possible. If your child is unable to make a club on a particular week we would appreciate them informing the member of staff involved so we know who to expect at each club. Your child should be collected from the main entrance (the school office), the member of staff running the club will bring your child to meet you there.

The Sports Coaches also offer a range of clubs, which involve payment. Money is payable to the sports coaches or the school office, even if your child misses a session, to cover the costs of the sports coaches. 

Music is a huge part of St John’s and there are lots of opportunities for children to begin playing a musical instrument. Children have the chance to play guitar, ukulele, violin, the steel drums and all Year 5 learn the cello for a year with the chance to carry it on. There is also a school choir. Both the choir and musicians perform regularly throughout the year both at school events and in and around the community.



We work in partnership with Progressive Sports to offer a variety of after school activities. 

Sports clubs are open to both boys and girls.  

Clubs with Progressive Sports are booked and paid for directly via their website. The school cannot make bookings or increase the number of places available. 

Clubs currently on offer:

Football, Multisports, gymnastics, basketball, Fencing, Boxfit, Cheerleading and Dodgeball

We are continually looking to develop our offer of sports clubs and widen participation. If your child has any suggestions for activities that they would like to attend or they think would be popular within their year group  please let Miss Allen know (rachael.allen@st-johns.stockport.sch.uk).

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